June’s council meeting was held on June 20th, 2023 from 15:00 to 18:00.
As this was the first council meeting of the 2023-2024 team, it largely focused on the creation of this year’s standing committees and beginning to plan for Fall’s Orientation Events.
There was also discussion surrounding the fact that the GSA does not currently have any Fine Arts Directors. While we are planning to hold a by-election to fill these seats as soon as possible, councilors were advised to keep the students from the Fine Arts Faculty in mind when making decisions this summer to ensure that any initiatives that are made include this portion of our membership.
Discussion about the transition from TRAC to CREW and the issues that the GSA faced vis-a-vis this issue was had. Ultimately, councilors resolved to invite representatives from CREW to come speak to the Council of Directors at the July council meeting to gain more clarity on the issue.