GSA General Elections 2024-2025

Running for GSA Office or Council is a great volunteering opportunity for graduate students at Concordia University. Not only do executives and council member work to improve student-life and wellbeing, but this professional development opportunity can be added to your Co-Curricular Record (CCR).

Please note that GSA Executives and Council Members are not considered employees of the GSA, but rather members of our governing system.  

Referendum Questions

During this election, our community will be asked two referendum questions regarding an increase in the GSA fee-levy fees.

Here are the questions as they will be written on the ballot:

  • Do you agree to increase the Student Services fee that supports the Student Services Sector – comprised of the Student Success Centre, Campus Wellness and Support Services (Health Clinic, Psychological and Counseling Services, Access Centre for Students with Disabilities), the Dean of Students Office, and the Financial Aid and Awards Office — to match the fee levy that undergraduate students are already paying, from $10.26 per credit to $11.11 per credit (an increase of $0.85 per credit), annually adjusted to the Consumer Price Index of Canada, to be collected from all Graduate students, and to be implemented for the Fall 2024 (2242) term in accordance with the University’s tuition refund and withdrawal policy?


  • Do you agree to implement a fee levy of $1.00 per student per semester to support the Link Publication Society, a student newspaper at the university ? The fee would be collected from all GSA members who would become eligible for membership of the Link Publication Society by paying the fee levy. The fee levy will be effective with the fall semester of 2024 (2024/2) and billed in accordance with the university tuition billing and refund policy.


  • Do you agree to discontinue the fee levy of $0.65 per term for all GSA members for the Concordia solidarity Coop Bookstore ? The fee would be discontinued effective with the Summer 2024 (2024/1) semester and all remaining fees collected since the closure of the Bookstore be reallocated to the Graduate Students Association (GSA) to fund special and other projects eligible under the Academic and extra curricular Special Projects and conference policy?


  • Do you agree to discontinue the fee levy of $2.75 per term for all GSA members for the CSU Legal Information Clinic (LIC) ? The fee would be discontinued effective with the Summer 2024 (2024/1) semester.

Election Timeline

During the Nomination Period, potential candidates must get signatures from their peers and fill out the nomination form below

During the verification period, the CRO ensures that all potential candidates are eligible for office.

The final list of candidates will be released to all graduate students on April 5th.

During the campaigning period, the candidates must use whatever means available to them to inform the GSA community of what meaningful change they want to create for graduate students at Concordia University.

On voting days, GSA members are invited to vote via the Concordia portal for the representatives of their faculty as well as the executive positions

Positions Available

Executive Positions

Executives are expected to commit to a minimum of 10 hours per week to their positions at the GSA. They are compensated with a monthly bursary of $1100 which is voted upon by Directors every month during council meetings based off of the Executive Monthly Reports.

The role of the President is to act as the chair of the executive committee and of general assemblies while simultaneously acting as the official spokesperson for the GSA. The president is further responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the GSA, which includes the overseeing of all managers as well as internal communications for the association.

Finally, the role of the president involves the direct implementation of council resolutions and is responsible for maintaining relations with other student communities, student governments, the university administration, and the general public

The role of the Vice-President Internal involves supervising the daily operations of internal managerial positions, working closely with the finance manager. Moreover, the VP Internal is responsible for overseeing the production of the student hand book and graduate student advocacy initiatives.

Lastly, the VP Internal plays an integral role in the recruiting, interviewing, and making recommendations to the Council for Graduate Student Representation on the University’s academic and administrative bodies.

The role of the Vice-President External involves being responsible for representing the GSA, through regular attendance to meetings of external bodies, including student and non-student organizations. Additionally, the VP External is expected to monitor socio-political and economic developments that could impact our graduate student community.

This position also involves acting as a liaison between the GSA (including its sub-associations), service providers, other fee levy associations, and the administration in order to locate new opportunities to better the lives of our graduate student community.

The role of Vice-President of Mobilization involves overseeing all mobilization work pertinent to the GSA, including but not limited to postering, flyering, recruiting volunteers, and coordinating classroom visits for all GSA activities and campaigns.

This position works closely with the VP External to supervise the work of the communications manager or any other hired outreach staff positions.

The role of Vice-President of Academics & Advocacy is expected to sit on the University Senate and both chair and be a voting member of an Appointments Committee. Further, the VP Academic & Advocacy is responsible for coordinating an academic caucus composed of graduate students who sit on academic committees.

Additionally, this position involves keeping a close eye on student feedback on academic conditions in departments and faculties and ensuring that this feedback is received by the appropriate university body so that students’ rights are upheld.

Council Positions

Council Positions are compensated based on their level of involvement within the GSA and its standing committees. They are paid monthly for their council meeting attendance* and receive an honourarium at the end of each academic year for their work on various subcommittees.

The role of Director has three main functions which include enforcing the General-By Laws and Special By-Laws of the GSA, aiding Executives in the execution of their assigned duties, and maintaining the endeavour to improve the general condition of the GSA and of all Graduate Students at Concordia University.

Candidates who are ELIGIBLE for office – Reviewed by CRO and DROs


Check the final list of candidates eligible for office at the GSA 2024-2025.

Click here to see the list

Check the report prepared by the CRO with details on how candidates were verified and notified of their eligibility.

Click here to see the report

To be eligible to run for a position at the GSA, potential candidates must:

  • be currently enrolled in a graduate program at Concordia University;
  • must not hold an elected position within any the following organizations:
        • CUFA (Concordia University Faculty Association);
        • CUPFA (Concordia University Part-Time Faculty Association);
        • CREW (Concordia Research and Education Workers Union);
        • Any GSA Faculty or Departmental Subassociation;
        • Any GSA clubs.
  • must not have held more than 2 consecutive terms as a GSA Executive.

Any candidates that do not meet the eligibility criteria will be disqualified.

How to Run for the Elections

Nomination Period

For Executive Positions

    1. Download the Nomination & Authorization Form;
    2. Get at least fifteen (15) signatures from current GSA members, with a minimum of one (1) student per faculty including individualized programs;
    3. Fill out the google form above and attach the completed nomination form;

For Council Positions

    1. Download the Nomination & Authorization Form;
    2. Get a minimum of ten (10) signatures from current GSA members within the faculty that you are seeking to represent;
    3. Fill out the google form above and attach the completed nomination form;

Campaigning Period

Decide on your platform

Introduce yourself to the graduate student population by putting together a short profile about you.

Choose which student issues you care about the most and how you’re planning to improve student life at Concordia University!

You can choose to run as an independent candidate or as part of a slate.

Submit your campaigning materials to the CRO

Once your candidacy has been verified, you must send all of your campaigning materials (posters, social media posts, etc.) to the CRO for approval.

*please note that the GSA can provide a reimbursable expenditure of $70 per candidate or $200 per slate (which ever is lower)

Participate in the Debate

During the campaigning period there will be a debate held to allow candidates to make their case for election and share their platforms.

All candidates are expected to participate in the debate which will be run and moderated by our CRO and DROs.

The date, time, and location of the debate is to be announced.

Convince your peers to vote for you!

Use any tools available to you to share your platform and reach your peers.

The GSA can share approved campaiging materials across our social media platforms and will be creating a place to house candidate profiles here on our website.

*note that campaigning is forbidden once the campaigning period ends (April 14th, 2024)

Voting Period

Log into your Student Portal

Use your student netname and password to get into your My CU Account.

Go to "Student Voting"

This tile can be found in the “Personal” tab of your My CU Account. Select “GSA Elections” on the following page.

Vote for Executives and your faculty's Directors

Select the checkboxes next to the name of each candidate you’d like to elect into office, submit, and you’re done!

Still have questions?

Email [email protected] for any queries you may have regarding the GSA general elections.