GSA Funding for Graduate Students


The Concordia Graduate Students’ Association (GSA) is pleased to offer graduate students a number of funding opportunities.

Before submitting any applications for funding, please review the eligibility and documentation guidelines.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email

The period to apply for funding for the Winter term is December 1st, 2024 to April 30th, 2025

Please note that all funding requests are evaluated at the end of the application period.


    • Read through the Funding Policy to find out which kind of funding to apply for;
    • Read through the list of required documentation;
    • Ensure you have all documentation saved as a PDF with your name and student ID in the title;
    • Fill out the application form!

This funding  allows the GSA to offer gradate students financial assistance for presenting a paper or leading a workshop at a conference in their field. The GSA acknowledges the importance for graduate students to present their research at conferences to aid in the development of their academic and professional careers. As such, we are please to support and encourage students to present their research through this subsidy program.

Eligibility Requirements: 
  • All graduate students registered at Concordia University  are eligible to apply for the funding;
  • Each student is limited to a maximum of $500.00 reimbursement per academic year (includes Fall, Winter and Summer Semesters);

*please note that conferences hosted at Concordia University and in the City of Montreal are not eligible for conference funding assistance through the GSA*

Application Deadline: 

To apply for this subsidy, you are not required to obtain pre-approval prior to attending your conference. Instead you must submit your application after having attended the conference. The GSA must receive your completed application form and all required documentation no later than 30 calendar days after the last day of the conference.

The GSA regrets to inform students that we cannot accept documentation beyond this deadline.


The Special Project Funding subsidy is intended to help GSA members and Departmental or Faculty Student Associations in a specific project or event that is designed to contribute to the quality of life, environmental, social or cultural awareness of members of the GSA.

Eligibility Requirement:

 Eligibility of the Group

  • The representatives of the group must be members of GSA;
  • The group did not receive funding from GSA in the current academic year.

Eligibility of the Project

To be eligible, a project must meet the following criteria:

  • Be open to all GSA members;
  • The participation of the event or activity must be free of charge for GSA members;
  • The applicant/s must clearly demonstrate how the project will contribute to the quality of life, and/or environmental, social or cultural awareness of members of the GSA.

The Academic Project Funding is intended to help GSA members and Departmental or Faculty Student Associations in a specific project or event related to their area of studies.

Eligibility Requirements:

In addition to the general eligibility criteria, the applicant must meet both of the following criteria to be eligible for the Academic Project Funding.

Eligibility of the Group

  • To be eligible, all group representatives must be members of the GSA.
  • The Departmental or Faculty Student Association who applies or the one related to the committee who applies must have met the criteria for the “Policy on departmental and Faculty Student Association Allocation” to be eligible.

Eligibility of the Project

  • To be eligible the activity or event must be of academic nature to the area of academic study of the applicant/s.


The Skill Up Bursary offered by the Graduate Student Association (GSA) is designed to support graduate students in covering the costs associated with certifications and educational workshops relevant to their field of study. The GSA acknowledges the importance for graduate students to advance on their professional path through acquiring new skills. As such, we are pleased to support and encourage students to present their professional growth through this subsidy program.

Eligibility Requirements:

To qualify for the Skill Up Bursary, applicants must ensure that the certification or workshop is included in the GSA’s list of accepted programs. If the desired certification or workshop is not on the list, applicants can provide the necessary details in the corresponding section of the application form. The Policy committee regularly reviews applications for new certifications and workshops, updating the GSA list every semester based on their recommendations.

Applicants should have already paid the fees for the workshop or certification, and for certification exams, proof of passing must be submitted. It’s essential to note that the subsidy does not cover sponsored or discounted certification examinations or educational workshops.

The following information is required to apply for this subsidy:
Government Identification;
Proof of Enrolment at Concordia University;
Receipt of Payment for Certification or Workshop;
Certificate of Completion or Proof of Passing.

All graduate students are entitled to a maximum annual amount of $150 CAD, providing financial assistance by covering 50% of the certification or workshop cost or up to $75 CAD, whichever is lower. However, it’s important to note that the maximum amount may be adjusted proportionally to align with the approved budget in the event of a high number of successful applications.

Application Deadline:

To apply for this subsidy, you need to have done the workshop or certification in the same semester you are applying to. The deadlines per semester are listed below:
Summer semester applications: August 31st
Fall semester applications: December 20th
Winter semester applications: April 30th

The GSA regrets to inform students that we cannot accept documentation beyond this deadline.

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