GSA Student Representatives

The GSA is proud to appoint graduate students to various committees and councils, where they actively assist in bettering the Concordia University community!

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Our Current GSA Student Representatives

The CSGS is the School of Graduate Studies’ governing body, which legislates matters related to graduate programs as per the Powers of Council approved by the Board of Governors.

Its role is to:

  • Set university-wide policies and regulations for graduate studies;
  • Study new program proposals;
  • Review proposals for curriculum changes;
  • Conduct regular appraisals of existing programs.

To learn more about this council, click here.

Our Representatives

Isabella Richmond | [email protected]

Masoumeh Zaare | [email protected]

Kailee Clark | [email protected]

Graduate Curriculum Revisions begin at the Program/Department level. Once approved by the Department Curriculum Committee, they are reviewed at Faculty and University levels following the Graduate Curriculum Approval Process.

To learn more about this committee, click here.

Our Representatives

Isabella Richmond | [email protected]

Duraichelvan Raju | [email protected]

The Board of Governors is the senior governing body of the University and is responsible for establishing the legal and administrative framework for the University. It has superintending and reforming power over all decisions affecting activities held at the University or connected with the University.

To learn more about the Board of Governors, click here.

Our Representative

Durai Chelvan | [email protected]


Senate is the senior academic body and establishes procedures for the governance of its own affairs. It derives its powers from the Board of Governors and, subject to the latter’s overarching authority, has the final authority in all matters pertaining to the academic regulations and programs of the University.

To learn more about the Senate, click here.

Our Representatives

Duraichelvan Raju | [email protected]

Riya Dutta | [email protected]

Satinder Pal Singh | [email protected]

All matters of student discipline are dealt with in accordance with university policies. The Office of Student Tribunals is responsible for the coordination of the various panels that function under the Policy on the Establishment of Tribunal Hearing Pools (BD-6)

To learn more about the Office of Student Tribunals, click here.

Our Representatives

Duraichelvan Raju | [email protected]

Mehdi Kharazmi | [email protected]

Masoumeh Zaare | [email protected]

Isabella Richmond | [email protected]

Timir Baran Roy | [email protected]

Nithish Reddy Yalaka | [email protected]


Our Representative

Suryakumar Rames | [email protected]


The Standing Committee on Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Violence is a permanent university committee of students, faculty and staff convened to revise and implement the University’s Policy on Sexual Violence and coordinate efforts to prevent and respond to university sexual violence and sexual misconduct.

For more information on this committee, click here.

Our Representatives

Lauren Thurber | [email protected]

Sina Pourali | [email protected]


The Concordia Council on Student Life (CCSL) is the highest body in the University dedicated to student life. It is a parity committee made of equal numbers of students and staff and faculty. CCSL meets once per month during the academic year to discuss a variety of student life topics, disperse funding to student-led initiatives, and recognize outstanding individuals at Concordia.

To learn more about this council, click here.

Our Representatives

Masoumeh Zaare | [email protected]

Hemanth Lingraj | [email protected]

The purview of Faculty Council differs from, but is complementary to, the administrative and governance functions of the Office of the Dean, which is responsible for setting academic priorities within the Faculty of Arts and Science and managing the Faculty in accordance with Collective Agreements and other University policies. Faculty Council is also the body within the Faculty of Arts and Science that is responsible for making recommendations on academic matters to Senate.

To learn more about this committee, click here.

Our Representatives

Rajrupa Saha | [email protected]

Cassandre Gratton | [email protected]

Our Representatives:

Joni Cheung – [email protected]

Alexandre Franchi – [email protected]